jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

I want to adopt a dog

I've been wishing to adopt a dog for some time now, but I never thought it would take me this long to make up my mind. The thing is I live with my parents and my sister and I can't make this decision before asking for their opinion first, because having a pet around would definitely cause some changes around the house.

We use to have a dog called Maxi but he died about four years ago. His death was especially traumatic for my father, who was really close him. He was the one that fed him, took him out four walks and took care of him in general; we all loved him very much but none of the other members of my family were as involved as him. I think maybe it was because we didn’t really notice the amount of time my dad took taking care of Maxi.

Anyway, now I want to adopt a dog but he disagrees. It’s not that he doesn’t like pets because he does; the thing is he doesn’t trust that I will do everything I would have to do to take care of one. I understand his reasons because he fears ending up taking care of a dog he didn’t want in the first place, but I resent that he doesn’t trust me when I say it’s not going to be like the last time. 

4 comentarios:

  1. The last month me and my sister adopted a dog,his name is Algodòn. I think that is a beatiful experience and i hope than you can adopt a dog soon.

  2. Adopt a dog is a big deal. "A great power bring with it a big duty". I did adopted a pet too and i live in a small apartmen with my family, and even to make posible hold clean the place (that is a big deal itself), even being the main trouble, the love, loyalty and support that you and your family will receive is just amazing.

    All the poopoo will be forgiven.
    Thanks for share your story!

  3. The dog are very intelligent and perceptive animal. When I was a boy, we have a dog called "Rufo". When Ruffo died I cried for many days, because he was a real friend for many year.

  4. I hope he changes his mind... no one pet could replace a lost, but we can make another and special space in our lifes for other dogs that need us, and Maxi always be there with you :)
